Our Services
Service Area:
We service all central and eastern Pennsylvania including :
Harrisburg, Mechanicsburg, Carlisle, Camp Hill, Chambersburg, Shippensburg, Sunbury, Selingsgrove, Greencastle, Gettysburg, York, Hanover, Lancaster, Lebanon, Reading, Allentown, Bethlehem, and Easton
Here is a comprehensive list of the painting services provided by E.E. Mills & Sons, Inc. for each unique project type.
Project Types:
- commercial buildings
- warehouses
- banks
- churches
- steeples
- high rises
- hotels
- offices
- apartment complexes
- associations
- schools
- factories
- retail
- manufacturing
- industrial
- plant maintenance
- historic structures

- interior & exterior painting
- stucco and dryvit painting
- specialty coatings
- low VOC coatings
- epoxy coatings
- epoxy floor coatings
- urethanes
- anti-skid coatings
- linestripping
- knockdown textures
- wallcovering
- wood repairs
- drywall repairs
- hot water pressure washing
- sandblasting
- mold & mildew mitigation
- fire & water restoration
- lift services
- tank and water treatment facilities
- roof coatings